
Sample Size of 30
Sampling Method used - Accidental Sampling within NYP

Measuring Instruments:

Measuring tape (x2) to measure forearm and foot length
Masking tape (x1) to secure the measuring tape measuring foot to the ground

Chairs for subjects to sit on when measuring forearms (x1)
Wooden platform (x1) to place at participant’s heels to ensure accurate measurement
Ruler (x1) to prevent parallax error for accurate measurement

Data collection procedure:

  •  Measuring the feet:
Kelvin measuring the feet!
Start point
Midpoint of the heel against the wooden platform
End point
Midpoint of the longest toe
Position of subjects
Patients will be standing, with their heel against the wooden platform.


  • Measuring the forearm:
Justin measuring the forearm
Start point
Midpoint of the crease on the elbow
End point
Midpoint of the crease on the wrist
Position of subjects
Patients will be seated on a chair, with their forearms placed on a table

We measured the length of the right forearm and foot twice and calculated the average length and repeated the procedure for all 30 subjects.
Data was collected by 2 of the group members
One collected the data for the forearm and the other collected the data for the foot.
The remaining 3 group members keyed in the data collected.
Data collected was recorded in this format:
Right forearm 1
Right forearm 2
Right foot 1
Right foot 2

Validity, reliability and consistency of data
To ensure inter-rater reliability, the same sets of instructions were given to data collectors 
  • To measure from the forearm and foot from the start and end point definitions
  • Subject should be seated when measuring forearm length
  • Subject should be standing with heels against wooden platform when measuring foot length
To ensure intra-rater reliability, the same person was assigned to collect the designated data throughout the entire data collection process.
To ensure consistency of the data measuring instruments used and the setup of the experiment remained the same throughout the data collection
To reduce experimental errors, measurements obtained would be averaged out